Setting a seed

The following ensures you will get the same results as me.


Minimum of Scores Greater than 2 (slide 13)

min_greater_2 <- function() {
  s <- sample(1:6, 3, replace = T)
  return(min(s) > 2)

r <- replicate(10000, min_greater_2())
## [1] 0.297

The following is a little obnoxious, but we can combine it all into a single line.

replicate(10000, min(sample(1:6, 3, replace = T)) > 2) |>
## [1] 0.3008

More dice rolling (slide 14)

second_greater <- function() {
  s <- sample(1:6, 2, replace = T)
  s[2] > s[1]
mean(replicate(10000, second_greater()))
## [1] 0.412

The diff function gives the lagged difference; the difference between successive elements. Below, the difference between 4 and 0 is 4 and the distance between 10 and 4 is 6.

diff(c(0, 4, 10))
## [1] 4 6

We can use this to construct a one-liner:

replicate(10000, diff(sample(1:6, 2, replace = T)) > 0) |> 
## [1] 0.4135

I don’t expect you to remember the diff function; just know that many basic operations are already available for you in base R.


Below is Jackie’s solution using loops.

x <- 1:100
newss <- function(){
  counta = 0
  x1 <- sample(1:100)
  for(i in seq_along(1:100)){
    if(x1[i] == i ){
      counta = counta + 1
  if(counta > 0){
mean(replicate(10000, newss()))
## [1] 0.3596

Here is my own rewriting of this loop solution. It’s not necessarily better, but it’s somewhat more concise.

x <- 1:100
is_deranged_loop <- function(){
  counta <- 0
  x1 <- sample(x)
  for(i in seq_along(x)){
    if(x1[i] == i){
      counta = counta + 1
  return(counta <= 0)
mean(replicate(10000, is_deranged_loop()))
## [1] 0.3621

And here is my vectorized solution.

is_deranged <- function() {
 !any(sample(1:100) == 1:100) # Think about what this does!
result <- replicate(10000, is_deranged())
## [1] 0.3674

Plotting the approximation

The function running_mean(k) gives the average of the first k elements of result, i.e. the estimate from the first k replications.

running_mean <- function(k) {

running_means <- sapply(1:10000, running_mean)

Actually, there is a much smarter way to do the above using the cumsum function. This uses a vectorized division.

running_means <- cumsum(result) / 1:10000

Plot these estimates against the replication number.

plot(1:10000, running_means, type = 'l', main = "Probability of a derangement",
     xlab = "no. reps", ylab = "p")
abline(h = 1/exp(1), col = "red")

Expectation (slide 20)

before_six <- function() {
  s <- sample(1:6, 100, replace= T)
  which(s == 6)[1] - 1 # Minus 1 since we do not count the roll which scored 6.
replicate(10000, before_six()) |> mean()
## [1] 4.9351

It can be shown the theoretical value is 5.