class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Lecture 12: Relational Databases ] .author[ ### Robin Liu ] .institute[ ### UCSB ] .date[ ### 2022-07-11 ] --- class: inverse, middle, center # Why use a database? --- # Why use a database? So far we have played around with data in the form of data frames and tibbles. ```r nycflights13::flights ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 336,776 x 19 ## year month day dep_time sched_dep_time dep_delay arr_time sched_arr_time ## <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <int> <int> ## 1 2013 1 1 517 515 2 830 819 ## 2 2013 1 1 533 529 4 850 830 ## 3 2013 1 1 542 540 2 923 850 ## 4 2013 1 1 544 545 -1 1004 1022 ## 5 2013 1 1 554 600 -6 812 837 ## 6 2013 1 1 554 558 -4 740 728 ## 7 2013 1 1 555 600 -5 913 854 ## 8 2013 1 1 557 600 -3 709 723 ## 9 2013 1 1 557 600 -3 838 846 ## 10 2013 1 1 558 600 -2 753 745 ## # ... with 336,766 more rows, and 11 more variables: arr_delay <dbl>, ## # carrier <chr>, flight <int>, tailnum <chr>, origin <chr>, dest <chr>, ## # air_time <dbl>, distance <dbl>, hour <dbl>, minute <dbl>, time_hour <dttm> ``` --- # Why use a database? The tibble has 300k observations which seems like a lot. But... -- ```r format(object.size(nycflights13::flights), units = "Mb") ``` ``` ## [1] "38.8 Mb" ``` This is not a lot of data in terms of memory! [Examples of large datasets]( -- Importing a data set into R means loading it into memory. You would not be able to load truly large data sets into memory. RStudio shows you have much memory it is currently using. *Exercise:* How much memory (RAM) does your computer have?
--- # Why use a database? How do we deal with a 100GB data set if we cannot load it into memory? We usually don't need the entire data set all at once. Instead we would like to observe parts of it. -- **Idea:** 1. Keep the data set stored on *disk*. 2. Open up a connection to the data, which is stored on disk. 3. Load into memory only the parts of the data set we currently care about. -- *Exercise:* How much *disk space* does your computer have? The data set, stored on disk, is the **database**. Later we will open a connection to a database and extract data frames from it using **SQL**. --- # Data models The same data can be *modeled* in different ways. A database must cohere to a certain **data model**. -- .pull-left[ ### Relational model ![](Lec12_files/chinook.png) ] -- .pull-right[ ### Hierarchical model ![](Lec12_files/hierarchical.webp) ] --- # The Chinook DB We will use the [Chinook DB](, a relational database. This DB represents a digital media store, including tables for artists, albums, media tracks, invoices, and customers. The data in a relational database is stored in relations, aka **tables**: ```r dbListTables(chinook_db) ``` ``` ## [1] "Album" "Artist" "Customer" "Employee" ## [5] "Genre" "Invoice" "InvoiceLine" "MediaType" ## [9] "Playlist" "PlaylistTrack" "Track" ``` -- Each table has rows of tuples, aka **records**, and columns of attributes, aka **fields**. ```r dbListFields(chinook_db, "Customer") ``` ``` ## [1] "CustomerId" "FirstName" "LastName" "Company" "Address" ## [6] "City" "State" "Country" "PostalCode" "Phone" ## [11] "Fax" "Email" "SupportRepId" ``` --- # The Chinook DB ```r dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "select CustomerId, FirstName, LastName, City, Country from customer limit 10") ``` ``` ## CustomerId FirstName LastName City Country ## 1 1 Luís Gonçalves São José dos Campos Brazil ## 2 2 Leonie Köhler Stuttgart Germany ## 3 3 François Tremblay Montréal Canada ## 4 4 Bjørn Hansen Oslo Norway ## 5 5 František Wichterlová Prague Czech Republic ## 6 6 Helena Holý Prague Czech Republic ## 7 7 Astrid Gruber Vienne Austria ## 8 8 Daan Peeters Brussels Belgium ## 9 9 Kara Nielsen Copenhagen Denmark ## 10 10 Eduardo Martins São Paulo Brazil ``` -- If you think the output is just a data frame... that's because it is! But we extracted it from a database. --- # Field metadata Unlike a data frame/tibble, there is extra information in a database table that expresses relation info between tables. ```r dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "pragma table_info(customer)") ``` ``` ## cid name type notnull dflt_value pk ## 1 0 CustomerId INTEGER 1 NA 1 ## 2 1 FirstName NVARCHAR(40) 1 NA 0 ## 3 2 LastName NVARCHAR(20) 1 NA 0 ## 4 3 Company NVARCHAR(80) 0 NA 0 ## 5 4 Address NVARCHAR(70) 0 NA 0 ## 6 5 City NVARCHAR(40) 0 NA 0 ## 7 6 State NVARCHAR(40) 0 NA 0 ## 8 7 Country NVARCHAR(40) 0 NA 0 ## 9 8 PostalCode NVARCHAR(10) 0 NA 0 ## 10 9 Phone NVARCHAR(24) 0 NA 0 ## 11 10 Fax NVARCHAR(24) 0 NA 0 ## 12 11 Email NVARCHAR(60) 1 NA 0 ## 13 12 SupportRepId INTEGER 0 NA 0 ``` --- # Primary key The **primary key** is a *unique identifier* of the rows in a table. Two rows cannot have the same primary key: ```r dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "select CustomerId, FirstName, LastName, City, Country from customer limit 2") ``` ``` ## CustomerId FirstName LastName City Country ## 1 1 Luís Gonçalves São José dos Campos Brazil ## 2 2 Leonie Köhler Stuttgart Germany ``` -- ```r dbExecute(chinook_db, "insert into customer (CustomerId, FirstName, LastName, Email) values (1, 'Robin', 'Liu', '')") ``` ``` ## Error: UNIQUE constraint failed: Customer.CustomerId ``` CustomerId is the **primary key** and must be unique. --- # Primary key Tables are not required to have a primary key, but most do. All the tables in Chinook have a primary key. ![:scale 50%](Lec12_files/chinook.png) --- # Foreign keys The relationship between tables is expressed by primary keys and **foreign keys**. Remember we are working with a relational database, following a relational data model. ```r dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "pragma foreign_key_list(customer)") ``` ``` ## id seq table from to on_update on_delete match ## 1 0 0 Employee SupportRepId EmployeeId NO ACTION NO ACTION NONE ``` .pull-left[ ![](Lec12_files/cust_fk.png) ] .pull-right[ A foreign key field *points to* the primary key of another table. ] --- # Foreign keys .center[![](Lec12_files/cust_fk.png)] **Interpretation** -- - Each customer in the store can be assigned a support representative -- - The support rep is an employee at the store and therefore has a unique id -- - This unique id, EmployeeId, is the primary key of the employee table -- This real-world relationship is encoded by the relational model using primary and foreign key relationships. --- # Foreign keys What are some other foreign keys in Chinook? ![:scale 55%](Lec12_files/chinook.png) --- # Foreign keys Foreign keys must either point to an existing value or be NULL. ```r dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "select max(EmployeeId) from employee") ``` ``` ## max(EmployeeId) ## 1 8 ``` ```r dbExecute(chinook_db, "insert into customer (CustomerId, FirstName, LastName, Email, SupportRepId) values (888, 'Robin', 'Liu', '', 9999)") ``` ``` ## Error: FOREIGN KEY constraint failed ``` --- # Integrity Constraints We have seen two examples of *integrity constraints*: - Primary keys must be unique (and not NULL) - Foreign keys must reference existing primary keys or be NULL These constraints enforce the *integrity* of a database; no bad data or corrupted relationships. **Keys help maintain the integrity of the data** --- # Database Schema The **schema** of a database describes its *structure*: - Names of all the tables - Names of all fields in each table - Primary key/foreign key relationships between tables - Other metadata (data types of each field in each table, ...) Basically everything other than the actual data itself. -- We have been looking at parts of the schema with the `pragma` keyword. ```r dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "pragma table_info(customer)") ``` ``` ## cid name type notnull dflt_value pk ## 1 0 CustomerId INTEGER 1 NA 1 ## 2 1 FirstName NVARCHAR(40) 1 NA 0 ## 3 2 LastName NVARCHAR(20) 1 NA 0 ## 4 3 Company NVARCHAR(80) 0 NA 0 ## 5 4 Address NVARCHAR(70) 0 NA 0 ## 6 5 City NVARCHAR(40) 0 NA 0 ## 7 6 State NVARCHAR(40) 0 NA 0 ## 8 7 Country NVARCHAR(40) 0 NA 0 ## 9 8 PostalCode NVARCHAR(10) 0 NA 0 ## 10 9 Phone NVARCHAR(24) 0 NA 0 ## 11 10 Fax NVARCHAR(24) 0 NA 0 ## 12 11 Email NVARCHAR(60) 1 NA 0 ## 13 12 SupportRepId INTEGER 0 NA 0 ``` --- # SQL *Structured Query Language* (SQL) is a language designed to create, read data from, and write data to relational databases. There are many different implementations of SQL, each with unique features. Each of these is called a *Relational Database Management System* (RDBMS). [2021 StackOverflow Developer Survey]( ![:scale 50%](Lec12_files/db_popularity.png) --- # SQL SQLite is a popular RDBMS designed for simple applications - Mobile devices -- - Simple web apps -- - Poor scaling: not suitable for large, complex apps -- All SQL implementations support a set of core SQL commands, but they have their own quirks. What we cover in class is applicable across other implementations. --- # SQL In this class we will use SQLite RDBMS via the `RSQLite` package. We will focus on standard SQL commands: - `select`, `where`, `join`, ... But know that there are SQLite-specific commands and behavior - `pragma` --- # SQLite Here is an example of SQLite-specific behavior: ```r dbExecute(chinook_db, "insert into customer (FirstName, LastName, Email) values ('Robin', 'Liu', '')") ``` ``` ## [1] 1 ``` ```r dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "select CustomerId, FirstName, LastName, Email from customer where FirstName = 'Robin'") ``` ``` ## CustomerId FirstName LastName Email ## 1 60 Robin Liu ``` ```r dbExecute(chinook_db, "delete from customer where FirstName like '%Robin%'") ``` ``` ## [1] 1 ``` A new record was added successfully with the next primary key value automatically; this is not consistent across all implementations. --- # Our tools - the R packages `RSQLite`, `sqldf`, `DBI` - the database `Chinook_Sqlite.sqlite` ```r library(RSQLite) library(sqldf) library(DBI) chinook_db <- dbConnect(SQLite(), "Chinook_Sqlite.sqlite") # second argument is a path dbExecute(chinook_db, "pragma foreign_keys = on") # Required for foreign-key support ``` `chinook_db` is now an object representing the **database connection**. --- # SQL To read data from a DB, run a **query**: `select...from` The result is an R data frame. ```r result <- dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "select CustomerId, FirstName, LastName from customer") str(result) ``` ``` ## 'data.frame': 59 obs. of 3 variables: ## $ CustomerId: int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... ## $ FirstName : chr "Luís" "Leonie" "François" "Bjørn" ... ## $ LastName : chr "Gonçalves" "Köhler" "Tremblay" "Hansen" ... ``` ```r head(result, 5) ``` ``` ## CustomerId FirstName LastName ## 1 1 Luís Gonçalves ## 2 2 Leonie Köhler ## 3 3 François Tremblay ## 4 4 Bjørn Hansen ## 5 5 František Wichterlová ``` The SQL query is the contents of second argument, given by a string. --- # SQL We opened a connection as follows: ```r chinook_db <- dbConnect(SQLite(), "Chinook_Sqlite.sqlite") # second argument is a path ``` After the end of a session, it is good practice to explicitly close your connection. ```r dbDisconnect(chinook_db) ``` Indeed the connection is closed. Try reading some data: ```r dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "select CustomerId, FirstName, LastName from customer") ``` ``` ## Error: Invalid or closed connection ``` --- # Summary - Databases are used to store massive amounts of data that cannot fit in memory (RAM). - SQL is the language used to manipulate relational databases - SQLite is the SQL implementation we will use, provided by the `RSQLite` package. Next time, introduction to SQL queries.