For this worksheet, we need the following packages along with a connection to the Chinook database.
chinook_db <- dbConnect(SQLite(), "../Chinook_Sqlite.sqlite")
dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "select GenreId, sum(milliseconds) / 60000 as minutes from track t
where t.genreid = 2")
## GenreId minutes
## 1 2 632
dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "select g.Name, g.GenreId, sum(milliseconds) / 60000 as minutes from track t
inner join genre g on t.genreid = g.genreid
where t.genreid = 2")
## Name GenreId minutes
## 1 Jazz 2 632
dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "select g.Name, g.GenreId, sum(milliseconds) / 60000 as minutes from track t
inner join genre g on t.genreid = g.genreid
group by t.genreid
limit 5")
## Name GenreId minutes
## 1 Rock 1 6137
## 2 Jazz 2 632
## 3 Metal 3 1930
## 4 Alternative & Punk 4 1296
## 5 Rock And Roll 5 26
Who is the support rep of the customer named Heather Leacock? Answer this by returning the following relation using a single query. Make sure your field names match mine by using aliases.
dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "select e.EmployeeId as RepId,
e.FirstName as RepFirstName,
e.LastName as RepLastName,
c.FirstName as CustFirstName,
c.LastName as CustLastName
from customer c inner join employee e
on c.supportrepid = e.employeeid
where customerid = 22")
## RepId RepFirstName RepLastName CustomerId CustFirstName CustLastName
## 1 4 Margaret Park 22 Heather Leacock
The following command is often useful: distinct
records with unique field values from a table.
For example, here is how we can get the unique prices of each track.
dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "select distinct UnitPrice from Track")
## UnitPrice
## 1 0.99
## 2 1.99
We can see tracks cost each 0.99 or 1.99, two different values. To get the count directly we can use the following
dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "select count(distinct UnitPrice) from Track")
## count(distinct UnitPrice)
## 1 2
dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "select count(distinct country) from customer")
## count(distinct country)
## 1 24
dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "select distinct title from employee")
## Title
## 1 General Manager
## 2 Sales Manager
## 3 Sales Support Agent
## 4 IT Manager
## 5 IT Staff
necessary here? Explain.dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "select count(distinct GenreId) from Genre")
## count(distinct GenreId)
## 1 25
was not necessary since GenreId is the
primary key of the Genre table and primary keys are guaranteed to be