For this worksheet, we need the following packages along with a connection to the Chinook database.
chinook_db <- dbConnect(SQLite(), "../Chinook_Sqlite.sqlite")
dbExecute(chinook_db, "pragma foreign_keys = on") # Required for foreign-key support
For the problems below, it is okay to use Google to find explanations that make sense to you.
Primary keys uniquely identify records in a table and foreign keys represent relationships between two tables. The keys come with constraints that maintain the integrity of the data.
A real world object is stored in its own table. Relationships between real world objects are modeled via primary/foreign key relationships.
.SQL is the language for retrieving data from a relational DB. SQLite is a particular, lightweight implementation of SQL, also called an RDBMS. RSQLite is the R package that implements SQLite.
List all of the foreign key relationships in the database.
Pay particular attention to number 2 below. This says the Employee table has a foreign key to itself. Think about what real world relationship this models in the context of the Chinook digital media store.
Here is the foreign key metadata using pragma
(which, as
you recall, is a SQLite-specific statement).
dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "pragma foreign_key_list(customer)"),
dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "pragma foreign_key_list(employee)"),
dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "pragma foreign_key_list(invoice)"),
dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "pragma foreign_key_list(invoiceline)"),
dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "pragma foreign_key_list(track)"),
dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "pragma foreign_key_list(playlisttrack)"),
dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "pragma foreign_key_list(album)"),
dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "pragma foreign_key_list(artist)")
## id seq table from to on_update on_delete match
## 1 0 0 Employee SupportRepId EmployeeId NO ACTION NO ACTION NONE
## 2 0 0 Employee ReportsTo EmployeeId NO ACTION NO ACTION NONE
## 3 0 0 Customer CustomerId CustomerId NO ACTION NO ACTION NONE
## 4 0 0 Track TrackId TrackId NO ACTION NO ACTION NONE
## 5 1 0 Invoice InvoiceId InvoiceId NO ACTION NO ACTION NONE
## 6 0 0 MediaType MediaTypeId MediaTypeId NO ACTION NO ACTION NONE
## 7 1 0 Genre GenreId GenreId NO ACTION NO ACTION NONE
## 8 2 0 Album AlbumId AlbumId NO ACTION NO ACTION NONE
## 9 0 0 Track TrackId TrackId NO ACTION NO ACTION NONE
## 10 1 0 Playlist PlaylistId PlaylistId NO ACTION NO ACTION NONE
## 11 0 0 Artist ArtistId ArtistId NO ACTION NO ACTION NONE
The following three tables have no foreign keys.
dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "pragma foreign_key_list(playlist)"),
dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "pragma foreign_key_list(genre)"),
dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "pragma foreign_key_list(mediatype)")
## [1] id seq table from to on_update on_delete
## [8] match
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "select CustomerId, FirstName, LastName, State, Country from customer
where State = 'CA' and Country = 'USA'")
## CustomerId FirstName LastName State Country
## 1 16 Frank Harris CA USA
## 2 19 Tim Goyer CA USA
## 3 20 Dan Miller CA USA
dbGetQuery(chinook_db, "select count(*) from customer where Country = 'Brazil'")
## count(*)
## 1 5