Problem 1: Estimating a binomial expectation

Let \(X\) be the r.v. that indicates the number heads after flipping a biased coin \(n=10\) times, where the probability of heads is \(p = 0.3\).

  1. In mathematical notation, write down the distribution of \(X\). It should include the \(\sim\) symbol.

\[X \sim \operatorname{Binom}(10, 0.3)\]

  1. Estimate the expectation of \(X\) through simulating \(10,000\) replications
mean(rbinom(10000, 10, 0.3))
## [1] 3.0034

Problem 2: Plotting the binomial pmf

Recall the pmf of a discrete r.v. \(X\) is given by \[ f(k) = \mathbb{P}(X = k). \] Just to reiterate the notation, \(f\) is a function of \(k\), the outcome of a random experiment of which \(X\) is a numerical value (e.g. number of heads); \(f\) is the pmf of \(X\).

The plot of a pmf gives a good idea of the “shape” of a distribution; it is often informative to look at the plot.

Recreate the following plot of the pdf of \(X\sim \mathrm{Binom(10, 0.18)}\).

plot(0:10, dbinom(0:10, size = 10, prob = 0.18),
     main = "PMF of Binom(10, 0.18)",
     ylab = "p", xlab = "k", type = "h", lwd = 5)
axis(side = 1, at = 0:10)

Problem 3: Rolls until 15

Roll a fair six-sided die 15 times. What is the expected number of rolls it takes for the score to equal or exceed 15? Estimate using \(10,000\) replications.

r <- replicate(10000, which(cumsum(sample(1:6, size = 15, replace = T)) >= 15)[1])
## [1] 4.7546

If you found the above expression difficult to parse, here is it as a separate function.

until_15 <- function() {
  rolls <- sample(1:6, size = 15, replace = T) # Outcome of rolling 15 dice
  c_rolls <- cumsum(rolls) # cumulative sum of rolls
  c_15 <- c_rolls >= 15 # logical vector indicates exceeding 15
  which_c_15 <- which(c_15) # Indices of cumulative scores exceeding 15
  return(which_c_15[1]) # The first such index.

r <- replicate(10000, until_15())
## [1] 4.7546